Spider-Man: No Way Home 4K 2021 Ultra HD 2160p

Spider-Man: No Way Home 4K 2021 Ultra HD 2160p

Country: USA
Genre: Adventure , Action
IMDB: 8.6
Producer: Jon Watts
Cast: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon, Jon Favreau, Jamie Foxx, Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Benedict Wong, Tony Revolori, Marisa Tomei, Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, Angourie Rice, Arian Moayed, Paula Newsome, Hannibal Buress, Martin Starr.
Spider-Man: No Way Home 4K 2021 Ultra HD 2160p

Peter Parker's life is turned upside down after Mysterio reveals to the world that he is Spider-Man. Then the hero turns to Dr. Strange for help, but the spell doesn't work right, and they disrupt the flow of space and time, opening up the multiverse.

Spider-Man: No Way Home 4K Review
The life of Peter Parker (Tom Holland) has turned from a fairy tale into a nightmare: the whole world found out who hides under the mask of Spider-Man, and because of Mysterio's deception people think that the young Avenger can be dangerous. The hero's reputation also affects his friends: M.J. (Zendaya) and Ned (Jacob Batalon) are not accepted to college, Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) is tormented by paparazzi, and Happy (Jon Favreau) finds himself at the center of a federal investigation. To redeem himself, Parker goes to Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and asks him to perform a rite of oblivion, after which everyone in the world will forget the events of recent days. Breaking the spell a couple of times, Peter disrupts the space-time continuum, and villains flock to New York from all corners of the multiverse to get even with Spider-Man.

Rarely does a movie come out that can rally audiences as much as No Way Home will likely succeed. In recent years, pundits have been talking as one about the death of the box office, but the final installment of the spider trilogy does the industry justice and gets big audiences back in the halls (even if only for a couple of weekends). The key to this phenomenon doesn't lie in the fanbase alone: John Watts' superheroics sums up not only the events of the new reboot, but also the two previous Peter Parker series, thereby making the audience breathe, laugh and cry in unison. Some will find here a malignant speculation on fan service, others a tribute to canon. The truth, of course, is out there, and you don't have to have a spidey sense to get to it.

There really are a lot of local jokes, references and characters in "No Way Home." But at the same time, there has been such an impressive cult following around the previous two incarnations of Spidey in particular and the giant Marvel universe in general that there doesn't seem to be anyone left among potential viewers who doesn't know about the "I am my own kind of scientist" meme, the eternal debate over a better Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire, of course!) and other fan interjections. In a couple of decades, the small cohort of geeks has grown into an army of comic book, movie and TV series connoisseurs. That's why the new Spidey must be seen in the audience, picking up oohs and sighs, clapping and stomping feet - simply put, sharing a unique cinematic experience with other viewers who have also carried Peter Parker with them from adolescence to adolescence and finally to adulthood.

And yet in No Way Home, it's not hard to see some annoying audience loyalty. What you most expect before you watch it will happen exactly on the screen -- no deception or sleight of hand. The audience here is in thrilled anticipation, not of "what will happen" but "when it will happen." Everything in this story is clear in advance, even from the first releases and Internet flubs: "No Way Home" is a touching but manipulative every-minute tribute that tries to both please the audience and move the stagnant Spider Holland out of the way (no matter what they say, of all three Parkers, this one is the most static, and he really needed a shake-up in the final trilogy).

The third installment could certainly be called a nice valentine to all the Spidey franchises, but it lacks the main thing - the visual thrill, the cinematic magic that made Raimi's trilogy and Webb's dylogy so memorable. For a film that seems to incorporate the best of each installment, it's filmed with outrageous simplicity: no clever editing from the '00s, no spectacular flights of fancy from the Garfield series - rather a concentrated Marvel, with the action scenes outsourced to graphic artists. The best visual finds of "No Way Home" are those featuring Doctor Strange, and all of these episodes, reminiscent of a future "Multiverse of Madness" teaser, are far more thrilling than the spider battles with the Sinister Six.

In that sense, "No Way Home" is likely to repeat the fate of another folk hit, "Avengers: The Finale." The conclusion of the superhero team saga became one of the highest-grossing movies in history, breaking records for discussion on forums, but after a few months and a couple of new parts of the Marvel universe, it seems to have sunk into oblivion, remaining an important, but still an episode of a giant series. The third Spider-Man is also an in-between movie, linking, say, the new Doctor Strange, the sequels to Venom, and other important branches of the franchise. The uniqueness of the events is lost when you realize that they are only a small part in a giant comic book movie universe.

However, something prevents Watts' film from getting bogged down in the epic of sequels, prequels and metaproductions. "Spider-Man: No Way Home is, for all its somber tone (get your tissues ready - there's a lot to cry about), a genuinely New Year's Eve movie. And it tells essentially the same story as the previous episodes: in the case of young Parker Holland, about growing up, responsibility falling out of nowhere, and, more importantly, overcoming his own infantilism. Peter must accept his imperfection, come to terms with the traumas of the past, and begin to live his life in a new way. The spell of eternal oblivion, and with it Christmas in the finale, beautifully frames the entire spider universe: the failures of the restarts will be forgotten, old mistakes will be corrected, and only the good will be remembered. When could this happen, if not on a holiday that marks a change of times and a new beginning?

File size: 21.4 GB

Trailer Spider-Man: No Way Home 4K 2021 Ultra HD 2160p
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