The Hunt for Red October 4K 1990 Ultra HD 2160p

The Hunt for Red October 4K 1990 Ultra HD 2160p

Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
IMDB: 7.6
Producer: John McTiernan
Cast: Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Scott Glenn, Sam Neill, James Earl Jones, Joss Ackland, Richard Jordan, Peter Firth, Tim Curry, Courtney B. Vance, Stellan Skarsg?rd, Jeffrey Jones, Timothy Carhart , Larry Ferguson, Fred Dalton Thompson
The Hunt for Red October 4K 1990 Ultra HD 2160p

The Hunt for Red October 4K - The newest Soviet nuclear submarine, Krasny Oktyabr, is capable of breaking the fragile strategic balance between the US and the USSR. Its captain Ramius decides to transfer the submarine into the hands of the Americans.

The Hunt for Red October 4K Review

Directed by John McTiernan The Hunt for Red October 4K, after the super-duper films "The Predator" (1987) and "Die Hard" (1988), he received another credit of trust for staging a large-scale political action movie based on the novel of the former CIA-shnik, and now the famous writer Tom Clancy.

"In November 1984, shortly before Gorbachev came to power, the Soviet Typhoon-class submarine rose to the south of Grand Banks. Then she fell to the bottom due to the radiation hazard. According to unconfirmed sources, part of the team was saved. According to repeated statements by the Soviet and American governments, events about which will now be discussed in reality were not ... "- these titles begin the movie.

Hmmm ... Something familiar ... I think that this film is another American propaganda. It's very simple: the film was shot in 1989, went into hiring (where was a hurray) in 1990, and the Soviet Union was still a superpower then, and few assumed that in a couple of years this superpower would collapse and classified materials would gradually be abandoned publicity. So, this story with the flooding of our submarine is no longer a secret and it is known exactly what and how it was. And in this film, American filmmakers, with the presentation of Tom Clancy, perverted everything in their favor in order to show the advantages of the Western capitalist way of life before the Soviet socialist.

In fact, our nuclear submarine was called K-219. In September 1986, she left the port of registry and headed west to the coast of the United States. There she was to carry patrol duty. On October 3, near Bermud, an accident occurred that caused an explosion of a ballistic missile in the mine. There was a threat of a reactor explosion, and one officer and one sailor made a feat, manually drowning out the nuclear reactor. The crew was evacuated on rafts, and the boat was tried to tow, but it still sank at a depth of 5500 meters. While Soviet sailors were struggling with the consequences of the accident, American ships, submarines and airplanes circled around it like vultures, trying to photograph everything. By the way, there is a wonderful documentary about K-219 ...

But back to the movies The Hunt for Red October 4K. Once again convinced that the Yankees are megalomania. They think that everyone is only dreaming of how to escape or emigrate to their super-duper country. Here, too, the Russian captain and a group of loyal officers decided to desert to the "most free country in the world", taking with him a top-secret submarine. And the film does not know the reasons for such a bad act of the captain, nothing intelligible. Yes, his wife died, but she was not shot in Soviet camps, so why such hatred for the USSR? And the answer to this question may suggest his name - Mark Ramius, he is a Latvian. In the light of the current events in Latvia, everything is clear. Here Clancy got to the point.

Here's another: "I give you three days to confirm the version (that Remius is deserting), after that I will destroy the boat Ramius. This is serious "- the US Secretary of Defense. What a serious man! There was a feeling that the Americans completely controlled the Atlantic Ocean and God forbid our boat will swim in the Atlantic. Immediately destroy. In fact, almost to their territorial waters swam our submarines and never sank, and that the Atlantic was free to plow - it's a fact.

And what about a black sonar technician with the first "Red October" embroidered by an American submarine? He immediately recognized the new top-secret mechanism of the quiet course of the Soviet submarine and managed to detect it. Well, straight genius! If ours had made such an engine, the Americans would need several years to learn how to detect our submarines. Soviet military KB did on conscience - tested by experience, time and statistics.

File size: 28 GB GB

Trailer The Hunt for Red October 4K 1990 Ultra HD 2160p
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