Your Name 4K 2016 Ultra HD 2160p

Your Name 4K 2016 Ultra HD 2160p

Country: Japan
Genre: Animation
IMDB: 8.4
Producer: Makoto Shinkai
Cast: y?nosuke Kamiki, Mone Kamishiraishi, Ry? Narita, Aoi Y?ki, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Kaito Ishikawa, Kanon Tani, Masaki Terasoma, Sayaka ?hara, Kazuhiko Inoue, Chaf?rin, Kana Hanazawa, Yuka Terasaki, Takashi Onozuka, Y?hei Namekawa
Your Name 4K 2016 Ultra HD 2160p

In Your Name 4K Mitsuha Mimiduz is the daughter of the mayor of a small mountain town, a simple high school student who lives with her sister and grandmother. Your Name 4K - She does not hesitate to say that she is absolutely not interested in Shinto rites, as well as her father’s election campaign. Instead, Mitsuha dreams of leaving this boring town and trying his luck in Tokyo. Taki Tatibana is a high school student from Tokyo who works in an Italian restaurant. He wants to be either an architect or an artist. Every night, Taki has a strange dream in which he becomes a high school girl in a small mountain town.

Your Name 4K Review

High school student Mitsuha is studying in a small town school in the center of Japan and dreams about how, after graduation, she will move to Tokyo and heal life in the capital. Suddenly, she begins to regularly change bodies with Tokyo high school student Taki. A wonderful exchange happens in a dream and lasts the whole day. At first, the guys think that they are dreaming about someone else’s life. When they are convinced that they really spend time in the bodies of others, they try to correct each other’s lives. Mitsuha organizes a meeting for Taki with a girl, to whom the guy is afraid to approach, and Taki makes Mitsuha more popular among classmates. And this is just the beginning of their adventures ...

Japanese animator director Makoto Shinkai has long been respectfully called the “new Hayao Miyazaki”. The director himself does not like this definition, and he is absolutely right. Miyazaki is Miyazaki, and Shinkai is Shinkai. With the same success, one could call Christopher Nolan "the new Steven Spielberg." Yes, both are very talented, and both are equally respected by viewers and critics. But these are different creators with a different approach to art. As well as Miyazaki and Shinkai.

While Miyazaki's entire life is drawing adventure stories for young children, younger teens and their parents, Shinkai specializes in sentimental romantic narratives addressed to high school students and students. The adventures of the heart and soul are much more interesting to him than wandering through amazing worlds. In this vein, his fresh creation, Your Name 4K which last year became the highest-grossing Japanese cartoon in the entire history of the country, was drawn (the previous record belonged to Miyazaki's Spirited Away). In Your Name 4Ke there is mysticism, fantasy and dramatic events, but above all this is a touching story about first love on the verge of adulthood.

“Your name” UHD begins as a typical farce about the exchange of bodies (“Oh my God! What am I wearing under my t-shirt ?!”), except with relatively intelligent jokes. However, further events take a melancholic turn, and then accelerate almost in the Hollywood spirit. In essence, Shinkai offers three genres in one film. It would seem that the bend, but this picture gives the audience much more than the standard “exchange” comedies, which repeat the same jokes in different ways. At the same time, the plot of “Your Name” is structured in such a way that its genre evolution is logical and natural. It reflects the development of the relationship of heroes and their maturation - that is, the willingness to make decisions and act, rather than go with the flow.

Although the tape focuses on Taki and Mitsuhi’s experience, it touches not only teenage passions. As in “Spirited Away”, “Your Name” combines Japanese tradition and Japanese modernity - ancient rituals and cell phones, life in the lap of nature and in the megalopolis, family obedience and rebellion against tradition. Deeply, these topics are not explored, but in combination with the main ideas of the cartoon they make the picture so multifaceted that only a few tapes can compete with it in this. We can say that Shinkai made a film not only about the souls of teenagers, but also about the soul of Japan. Which is woven from contradictions since the Japanese accepted Buddhism, but retained paganism-Shinto.

The “Your Name” script has many advantages, but the main plus of the tape is its graphics. It is the graphics, not the animation, because the last in the film is standard for high-quality anime. Shinkai is a master of stunning, carefully detailed background illustrations, and this his talent is revealed in “Your Name” Ulyra HD as never before. The real Tokyo and the fictional town of Mitsuhi are painted so enticingly that after leaving the cinema I want to run to the travel agency and book a trip to Japan. When events take a fantastic turn, the picture becomes so beautiful that you begin to cry with delight.

Is this a flawless cartoon? No - when self-critical Shinkai says in an interview that the picture could be better if his team had more money and time, he speaks honestly, and does not ask for a compliment. In “Your name” there really are rough spots that would be worth correcting. In addition, the tape requires the audience to be interested in Japanese culture, as well as patience, because the drive in the film is not Hollywood (even in the final part of the tape). However, the record made the record fees of $ 355 million, and she should pay attention. If you are even slightly interested in Japanese animation and love passions.

File size: 9.0 GB

Trailer Your Name 4K 2016 Ultra HD 2160p
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