Midsommar 4K 2019 Ultra HD

Midsommar 4K 2019 Ultra HD

Country: USA | Sweden | Hungary
Genre: Drama
IMDB: 7.2
Producer: Ari Aster
Cast: Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, Vilhelm Blomgren, William Jackson Harper, Will Poulter, Ellora Torchia, Archie Madekwe, Henrik Norl?n, Gunnel Fred, Isabelle Grill, Agnes Westerlund Rase, Julia Ragnarsson, Mats Blomgren.
Midsommar 4K 2019 Ultra HD

Where to download 4k content Midsommar 4K. The plot is dedicated to the story of a couple in love (Florence Pugh and Jack Raynor), who goes to visit her friends in a remote small town in Sweden. There, locals perform the traditional Scandinavian seasonal rite, celebrating the summer solstice, Midsummer. And although everything around the heroes promises an idyllic vacation in picturesque places, very soon the peaceful celebration will be replaced by a real nightmare, since the sweet and kind inhabitants of the Swedish village will be servants of a bloody pagan cult.

Midsommar 4K review
Girl Dani (Florence Pugh), already suffering and not quite healthy mentally, survived a family tragedy, after which she could not recover. Now she is tormented by depression and perpetual panic attacks, and the only important person in life - the guy Christian (Jack Raynor) - has long cooled down and supports her, apparently, only from a strange sense of pity. In the hope of returning warmth to the relationship, Dani begs Christian and his anthropological friends to travel to Sweden, where one of them, the good-natured Pelle, has his own community, which organizes a Midsommar UHD festival every year. True, he did not warn his friends that the rituals of the community are not at all entertainment for tourists. And in their adventure, accompanied by various psychedelic substances, the bad trip is the most innocent thing that can happen to them.

Of all the new hopes of the horror, hastily showered with laurels and loud genre definitions (the directors, it seems, they themselves have not yet figured out whether they are shooting "new wave horror", elevated horror, or maybe worse), Ari Astaire is almost the only one who after the first resounding success did not jump above their heads in their ambitions (as Jordan Peel and David Robert Mitchell did, for example). His “Solstice” does not suffer from the “illness of the second film” at all: it is not much larger and not too large-scale “Reincarnation” and in many ways seems either its logical continuation, or a version from parallel reality, where everything is much more sunny and even stranger.

Here, Aster’s same love for architectural conventions - there is even an open parallel with the dollhouse from the debut - the same theme of family trauma, the same irrational, but absolutely understandable horror of pagan esotericism, terrible unrequited forces acting according to logic and laws that are alien to people. True, if in “Reincarnation” mysticism was obvious and openly manifested itself in a crazy ending, then in “Solstice” it remains imprisoned in details, rituals and psychedelic badtrips, barbaric customs of cheerful sectarians or ominous faces into which the crowns of trees gather where something on the background. As in any religion, faith in truth is more important than the manifestation of this truth - however, it is not easier for the heroes.

Ari Astaire openly exploits genre memory and again takes the object of horror, from which his knees shook from several generations of viewers and directors before him. If for the first time they were demons, witch rituals and other manifestations of the evil one, now they have been replaced by the folkloric horror of sectarian communities, fear of everyone who lives differently and rejects generally accepted moral standards. But so far, some “Wicker Man” (the original, of course, not with Nicolas Cage) - a film with which any horror that entered the folk territory will inevitably be compared - tried to rationalize this fear and let the protagonist, a boring person through the minds, and to our pain, the “Solstice” without any hesitation rises to the other side. The side of the cheerful enveloping homeland, where both the director and his main character dive headlong. Both, oddly enough, of their own free will and - judging by how skillfully Aster works with narcotic effects, floating landscapes and tripophobic pulsating flowers - in one more way.

As soon as the heroes take a step into the wrong side of consciousness, they instantly fall into the notorious dollhouse, the figures in which the explicit hand of the demiurge-Aster removes the slasher. The director is not shy of genre conventions, is not afraid to play directly with the viewer, break expectations and provoke him with daring images. The Solstice does not know half measures and exists entirely in extreme abundances — all the heroes, except the sun goddess Florence Pugh (and simply, frankly, goddesses), are hypertrophied here, violence is excessive, and the main conflict hides precisely in contrasting the two extremes. On the one hand, the darkness of everyday life and the complete lack of contact between the pair of Pugh and Jack Raynor. On the other hand, it is a frightening universality, almost a swarm mind of sun-kissed sectarians, dividing the whole community and food, and children, and even manifestations of emotions. And it is not a fact that from this it will be even worse.

Aster’s sympathies are rather on the side of the latter - in his image of the community there is no imperialist arrogance, he even shows the most terrible things with unquenchable irony. The Solstice is not at all afraid to be ridiculous: there is no less comical here than terrible, and even more awkward than in Reincarnation. By the finale, when the last bastions of habitual reality are crumbling, the film turns into a reference movie of the genre “what was it ?!”, a daring sunny sur, where even the most vile images are perceived as part of a fun carnival. It’s right: after all, the solstice is a celebration of life. Let and associated with an indecent amount of death.

File size: 87,35 GB

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