Men in Black International 4K 2019 Ultra HD

Men in Black International 4K 2019 Ultra HD

Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
IMDB: 5.6
Producer: F. Gary Gray
Cast: Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Kumail Nanjiani, Rebecca Ferguson, Rafe Spall, Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson, Laurent Bourgeois, Larry Bourgeois, Kayvan Novak, Spencer Wilding, Marcy Harriell, Inny Clemons, Aaron Serotsky, Mandeiya Flory.
Men in Black International 4K 2019 Ultra HD

Download Men in Black International 4K. The plot will focus on agent M (Tessa Thompson), who goes to the British branch of the PMF in order to successfully prove herself. Soon, she teams up with former first-class agent H (Chris Hemsworth), and then the couple becomes involved in a story with a mysterious murder, for the disclosure of which they will have to travel around the world.

Men in Black International 4K Review

Agent Em (Tessa Thompson) is a simple girl who, in early childhood after contact with an alien, forgot to erase the memory of the staff of People in Black. She devoted her whole life to finding this mysterious organization: she passed all the exams perfectly and in a whisper persuaded all kinds of CIA and FBI officers to conduct her to "thereby" - they naturally only laughed at her. But by chance, and also thanks to her ingenuity and technical skills, she nevertheless ends up at the UHF American office: after a short exam she is readily accepted and sent on a mission to London, where she, together with the handsome agent H.H. (Chris Hemsworth), must find "Mole" in the ranks of the organization.

The People in Black franchise - a well-known, almost iconic, but not so much box office franchise that always existed in fits and starts, was in our difficult time doomed to renew. Whatever one may say, old Will Smith is already 51 years old, his partner Tommy Lee Jones breathed into the air in the third part, where he was cleverly “rejuvenated” by Josh Brolin, and the very topic of alien migrations into the age of open borders and Trump walls requires a certain rethinking . At some point, a crazy and, of course, absolutely brilliant idea ripened on the sidelines of the studio: to send Schmidt and Jenko from Macho and Nerd into the bowels of People in Black, to cross the incompatible postmodern, incompatible in the carbon impulse. Well, it didn’t grow together: only the safe spin-offs remained from past zealous ideas, it’s also a soft reboot, it’s Men in Black International UHD.

The already played and very cute duet of Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, sarcastic action heroes straight from the colorful depths of the destroyed Asgard, sent off to revive the franchise. Here Tessa got the role of a new actress, a spectator's guide to the alien surrealism “People in Black”, their strange laws and ridiculous semantics. A punchy geek who gets into the organization only thanks to his indefatigable curiosity is the hero of his time, which in the late nineties was also the nonsense nihilist Agent Kay. They generally rhyme very curiously (in white, apparently, by verse): Em gets a job because she is interested in it to death - Kay got a job because he was not interested in anything.

For nihilism, the amusing charismatic Chris Hemsworth is now blown away, playing, by and large, Chris Hemsworth - an absurd macho and outrageous hedonist, Agent Hey, who looks more like a local Agent Archer (they even have similar relations with superiors). His duet with Thompson is not so much contrasted as complementary - their connection is perhaps even too cozy for people who seem to have just met. But it is not painfully important as long as it is ridiculous, and here the International has no special problems. The film is humorous even more often than the previous parts, and mostly extremely witty - only a strange alien sidekick, an obsessive buffoon, who simultaneously replaces the worms from the second part and Griffin from the third, makes offensive mistakes.

“International” is a fascinating Kunstkamera, an exhibition of national achievements in the field of the surprising, strange and funny. This is an attraction trip to world beauties and universal miracles, in which history remains somewhere far in the background: there is no colorful evil, as in previous films, and the main plot twist is read even before the opening credits. True, he does not have enough of the peculiar cosmic mackerel that Barry Sonnenfeld always had: F. Gary Gray, of course, tries to imitate him, but the boring gloss of a typical artisan continually peeps through him. However, even so, the new People in Black look more fun than most modern blockbusters: at least they weren’t filmed in constant obscurity by epileptic close-ups.

Even more than the rest of the pieces, International surrenders to the implacable pioneer fuse and the cosmic magic that the heroine Thompson (even two Thompson, Tessa and Emma) never tires of amazing. And he forgets about everything else: his universal intrigue would definitely not hurt a little plot intrigue, and out of all the scenario conflicts, only one funny detail related to neurolinguistics for the smallest is interesting here. The film seems to rely too much on its safe spin-off pillow, the story was originally kind of third-party, trifling and optional. Its effect is similar to the effect of the neutralizer from the “VHF” arsenal: a bright flash, after which it is completely impossible to remember something specific. But you are not against it.

File size: 45.30 GB

Trailer Men in Black International 4K 2019 Ultra HD
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