Puss in Boots 4K 2011 Ultra HD 2160p

Puss in Boots 4K 2011 Ultra HD 2160p

Country: USA
Genre: Animation
IMDB: 6.6
Producer: Chris Miller
Cast: Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Zach Galifianakis, Billy Bob Thornton, Amy Sedaris, Constance Marie, Guillermo del Toro, Mike Mitchell, Rich Dietl, Ryan Crego, Tom Wheeler, Conrad Vernon, Tom McGrath, Bob Joles, Latifa Ouaou, Bob Persichetti, Chris Miller, Jessica Schulte.
Puss in Boots 4K 2011 Ultra HD 2160p

The legendary CAT IN SAFETY became a hero long before he met Shrek, when together with the brilliant strategist Humpty Dumpty and the charming but cunning Pussycat Softyfoot, he saved his hometown. This is the true story of CAT, LEGEND, and... THE BOYS

Puss in Boots 4K Review
Outlawed in his hometown, Puss in Boots dreams of regaining his good name. This chance comes unexpectedly: chasing a masked stranger (who actually turns out to be a thief named Kitty), he finds himself in a tavern, where the egg-shaped Humpty Alexander Chatter offers his help. A longtime cat buddy, he had seriously set him up seven years ago, but now repents and urges him to steal the magic beans. After all, if you plant them in the right place, you can get to the castle in heaven, where the goose that lays the golden eggs lives. It is the precious metal reserves that are to guarantee that the offended townspeople will finally realize how much they have missed the cat all these years.

By now you'd think that a separate movie about the sassy Cat, who appeared in the second "Shrek," was inevitable from the moment he first did his forbidden flat-eye trick. In fact, the project was in development since 2004, when "Shrek 2" was released. Another thing is that the movie was originally going to be released straight to DVD, but, thank God, they changed their minds. Apparently, the total receipts of the series led the producers to the idea that, in general, it would be a sin not to take the risk.

Meanwhile, in the legacy of the original franchise, "Cat" has received not only a large audience and not very children's budget, but also some problems. For example, the four "Shrek" has already gone through a fairy tale library so thoroughly that the authors of the spin-off had to carefully scrap the scrapings. And if the mysterious goose we can somehow correlate with a national hen Ryaba, the hideous Jack and Jill, with whom the heroes have the main competition for the beans, seem to the majority of Russian viewers the characters totally unfamiliar, when in fact - come from the English nursery rhyme.

However, the writers of "Cat" turned out quite successfully. They partially replaced the burlesque mockery of fairy-tale characters on which the original films were based with genre flirtations: as a result, "Puss in Boots" walks through the canons of "spaghetti western" almost as deftly as the super-successful "Toy Story 3" treated the spy genre. And while not every joke hits the bull's-eye, successful jokes sometimes occur here even at the level of in-frame editing, which, for the animated genre, is generally a pleasant surprise.

In addition, the audience of "Cat" can "grow" at the expense of - yes, yes - the notorious cat lovers. And let the local hero - it is not quite the shameless opportunist and mercenary, as he first appears in "Shrek", in fact the cat he remains to the mustache tips. And while history glosses over the number of felines injured during the filming process, you can't help but notice: Chris Miller and his co. have done their homework with an A-plus. The layman's inaccessible knowledge of exactly how cats wipe, excuse me, ass and scream at night is perfectly traceable in the film and evokes a warm joy of recognition for all "club members."

In general, the local cat paradoxically combines the posture of the legendary Zorro, the habits of a pet and plushness of a soft toy, which would be the envy of even the adoring public Briton from the commercials for the well-known cat food. However, different "mimicry" is given by the authors in moderation and not without a sly squint. For example, the gold-bearing goose desperately resembles Nibbler from "Futurama. And a juvenile version of the cat starts to babble at the exact moment when we are ready to weep with tenderness.

But, on the whole, "Puss", unfortunately, cannot boast of an outstanding gallery of characters, the lively diversity of which was advantageous for the first films of the franchise, and, in general, makes a decent step away from "character" "Shrek" in the direction of a blockbuster special effects. In other words, love of animals is certainly a good thing, but a beanstalk splitting through the clouds with the purposefulness of a surface-to-air missile is a sight that should make a triple-decker-clad viewer start squeaking like your two-week-old kittens.

File size: 6.3 GB

Trailer Puss in Boots 4K 2011 Ultra HD 2160p
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