Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope 4K 1977 Ultra HD 2160p

Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope 4K 1977 Ultra HD 2160p

Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
IMDB: 8.6
Producer: George Lucas
Cast: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing, Alec Guinness, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, David Prowse, Phil Brown, Shelagh Fraser, Jack Purvis, Alex McCrindle, Eddie Byrne, Drewe Henley.
Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope 4K 1977 Ultra HD 2160p

Tatooine. Desert planet. The already aged Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobi rescues the young Luke Skywalker when he tries to find the missing droid. From this moment on, Luke realizes his true purpose: he is one of the Jedi Knights. While civil war engulfed the galaxy and rebel forces fought against the forces of the evil Emperor, desperate pilot mercenary Han Solo joins Luke and Obi Wan, and accompanied by two droids, R2D2 and C-3PO, this unusual squad goes in search of the leader of the rebels is Princess Leia. The heroes will face a desperate battle with the terrifying Darth Vader - the Emperor’s right hand and his secret weapon - the Death Star.

Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope 4K Review
Century - XX. Year - 1977. Event - the birth of the greatest epic of all time. A masterpiece that divided the history of cinema into "before and after." Creation, which has become a standard, an ideal example of cinema art. Classics, bringing up a whole generation of spectators. The immortal giant, who will continue to influence the minds of not only viewers, but also filmmakers around the world. The immense fictional world that is so similar to the real one. A world where the eternal struggle of Good and Evil takes on new dimensions and forms. A world where a new philosophy of the existence of all living things in the Universe, as well as the Universe itself, was offered to mankind - everything is subject to the laws of the Great Power, the Power of the Universe: “It surrounds and pervades us, it is everywhere.” And in this fictional world, there is a battle for freedom, there are wars, Star Wars!

There are no more such films, and they never will be. But imitate them even now. Any science fiction film that appears on the screens somehow borrows from here - either external images or key ideas. But no one succeeds in making cinema so rich in meaning, so beautiful externally and internally, so impeccable in execution and so, of course, influential. George Lucas, then just a novice young director, distinguished himself by a pair of low-budget and samples (for example, "American Graffiti"), made a breakthrough in every sense of the word. Although, already his first mini-creations aroused respect among critics and film critics, the work of his whole life remained ahead. The case, which became the eternal legacy of this great director, a great man who did not spare himself for the sake of creativity and the audience. When shooting the first film from this saga, he made an over budget and, to save the picture, laid out $ 3 million from his pocket! And the entire budget of the picture was 11 million. Now, for $ 300 million, no one will create anything like this, because - “And the point here is not at all the special effects, and not the spaceships” - George Lucas.

So, a long time ago, in a distant, distant galaxy - from these words the hearts of millions of fans around the world begin to tremble. Then the music of the legendary composer, winner of the Oscar (still!) John Williams. The soundtrack was even published on records and dispersed in good print runs. Further, the essence of the future is explained to us, and a trance begins, intoxication and delight begins, all emotions that a person has are awakened, an unimaginable story begins, a story about a new hope. When difficult times came for the Galaxy under the yoke of power in the person of the Emperor, the present Evil, who enslaved everyone by dictatorship and treachery, only hope for a miracle drives the handful of rebels who are ready to die for their work and return to their world the old order, the old harmony and the old freedom. So the legend begins.

Here Harrison Ford became famous, then became Indiana Jones, unimaginable special effects appeared here that look great even now, and then they demolished the roof. Here characters are born, the actions of which will be monitored by the whole world. And I, including. There is no movie that would love so much. There is no movie that puts it at all above all in art. There is no movie you blindly believe in. He grew up on this, it brought up, you cannot imagine yourself without it. The most fantastic is that in terms of the scale of action and the number of heroes - the film is one of the most powerful (yes, it’s so grimacing, it is the most voluminous in this regard), but you get into the whole course of events, right to the bottom, literally at once, and this is achieved by an unsurpassedly accurate approach to work.

The beginning began, the beginning of Star Wars. The beginning of what you compare everything. Classic. This is no more and never will be. This is only the first, chronologically, episode of all 6, but it is impossible to imagine a greater beginning. As well as not comprehending the fact that the authors managed to create a whole saga, where every film is a masterpiece. I will never get tired of it, although I know by heart both the plot and each replica of each dialogue. It is forever, it is forever. In the meantime, the Empire is preparing a retaliatory strike, I want to wish all the fans of the saga only one thing - May the Force come with you!

File size: 23.1 GB

Trailer Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope 4K 1977 Ultra HD 2160p
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