Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi 4K 1983 Ultra HD 2160p

Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi 4K 1983 Ultra HD 2160p

Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
IMDB: 8.3
Producer: Richard Marquand
Cast: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Sebastian Shaw, Ian McDiarmid, Frank Oz, James Earl Jones, David Prowse, Alec Guinness, Kenny Baker, Michael Pennington, Kenneth Colley.
Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi 4K 1983 Ultra HD 2160p

Watch the sixth episode of Star Wars, all parts of the popular fantasy you will find on our suite, as well as new films in 4K. Luke Skywalker and his friends team up to fight the Death Star.

Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi 4K Review
The final trilogy, this part seems to me the least successful. There are several reasons for this, and they are all secondary; there’s no benefit from the plot side, there are no serious complaints (almost), and from the visual one as well.

The director was a hitherto unknown among the broad masses (except among the critics, his early works “The Eye of the Needle” and “Psychic”, found a warm welcome) Welshman Richard Marquand. Lucas entrusted him to complete the epic (having occupied the chair of one of the scriptwriters).

Was the step right? From my point of view, formally, from a historical point of view, Lucas is right. But, when looking in depth, some roughness does occur ..

The denouement according to Lucas or "Your faith in friends is your weakness."

The troops loyal to the emperor are building a new Death Star. The dark sith, already familiar to us, Darth Vader, leads the process. Subsequently, he joins him in order to take part in the control of the construction and launch himself, as well as pursuing personal goals (in particular, carrying out a plan for the last Jedi Skywalker) and Emperor Darth Sidious himself.

Of course, our brave friends, led by Solo and Luke, try their best to resist the invaders and aggressors.

In the final series, Luke will have to make a difficult choice, perhaps the most important one in life, determining fate for many years to come ..

Of course, observing the process is very exciting and interesting even in our days, but in my humble opinion, it was not worthwhile to devote so much screen time to the forest folk - they simply got lost in it. The final result (or rather its implementation on the screen), the saga, lacks scale, solidity, completeness, raises questions.

The performance of the ensemble or “I got sick. He became old and weak. When you will be 900 years old, you cannot look good, huh? ”

Hamill, Ford, Fisher, Anthony Daniels, Billy Dee Williams, Ian McDiarmid and others, cope with the assigned roles excellently. The ensemble is brought to the ideal sound, without the shadow of falsehood. There are no complaints about Marquend. That rare case, when a new face on the site, works in unison with the artist.

General impressions or “Many of the truths that we trust are such only when we adhere to a certain point of view.”

Summing up the brief result of the entire trilogy, the most striking thing is that this product has passed the test of time. This is a true library of science fiction, millions of followers of the legendary maestro studied and study at it ..

P.S. 13 years later, Lucas rethought what was done, and began a new work on the prequel to the trilogy, thereby restarting the franchise. (The first part of the prequel will be released in 1999, 16 years after the premiere of "Return of the Jedi").

Bottom line: slightly inferior in quality to the first two, but no less exciting final part, puts an end to the story of the last Jedi in history. A worthy ending of the saga, and indelible sadness in the soul, sadness from the fact that we will no longer see the beloved heroes, so beloved by the audience, although who knows ....

File size: 27.00 GB

Trailer Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi 4K 1983 Ultra HD 2160p
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