The Matrix Revolutions 4K 2003 Ultra HD 2160p

The Matrix Revolutions 4K 2003 Ultra HD 2160p

Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
IMDB: 6.7
Producer: Lana Wachowski (as The Wachowski Brothers), Lilly Wachowski (as The Wachowski Brothers)
Cast: Mary Alice, Tanveer K. Atwal, Helmut Bakaitis, Kate Beahan, Francine Bell, Monica Bellucci, Rachel Blackman, Henry Blasingame, Ian Bliss, David Bowers, Zeke Castelli, Collin Chou, Essie Davis, Laurence Fishburne, Nona Gaye
The Matrix Revolutions 4K 2003 Ultra HD 2160p

The final part of the futuristic trilogy "The Matrix" - The Matrix Revolutions 4K, the culmination of a long struggle of people for the acquisition of freedom. While the Army of Machines is trying to destroy Zion, its inhabitants, of the last forces, are holding up their defenses. But will they be able to prevent a full invasion of the city of a swarming horde of merciless cars before Neo gathers all his strength and puts an end to the war? People waiting for a crushing final battle шт The Matrix Revolutions 4K.

The Matrix Revolutions 4K Review

The first part of the picture in 1999 became a sensation and collected 475 million dollars. The second in May 2003 was a major disappointment, but already raised 734 million. And then the brothers poured a gasoline tank into the fading fire: the single-stage premiere of The Matrix: Revolution in 80 countries around the world had no precedent, and the public rushed to the cinema, tickets snapped up for many days in advance. Only in the United States the film is played on three and a half thousand screens. See it was a matter of honor. It is advisable to look ahead of others - so that you can then authoritatively talk to your friends about the advantages of flying Squid over stomping Sentinels.

In the final of the second part of The Matrix: Reboot, we left Elected Reeves in a suspended state between two worlds. The “revolution” begins with its attempts to get out of the spatial loop, which is the platform of the Mobile Avenue metro station. The main part of the film is a decisive clash between people and machines - the mass character and the gloomy absurdity of the design of this technical orgy are admired and suppressed: on a giant screen swarms of steel squid rush around, with a menacing clang marching armada of monstrous robot manipulators, from under cracking arches, they fall out of the way, they fall out of the cracks arches, they fall out of the way. like crocodiles. Dreadful landscapes resemble shots with lightning breaking the darkness, from which all gothic horror films begin. This is almost a cartoon, where the actors are interspersed. All this we have already seen in the "Terminator 3" and in the newest series of "Star Wars", but the revolutionary spaces are painted with talent, they have a dark style that is signature for The Matrix Revolutions 4K: an exquisite blend of green and gray. As for the live performers, their individuality is so irrelevant that few people will notice the substitution of the important role of the performer: instead of the deceased Gloria, Foster the Soothsayer (she is the Oracle, she is Pythia) is now played by Mary Ellis.

Contrary to the song “the revolution does not have a beginning, there is no end to the revolution”, “The Revolution” chose the Wachowski brothers as its slogan: “Everything that has a beginning has an end”. The slogan is ridiculously banal, but is presented as a philosophical discovery. And this, if you look at it, is the quintessence of the entire intellectual content of the trilogy, which at first so admired the gullible.

By the end of the trilogy The Matrix Revolutions 4K, the Wachowski brothers no longer hide their claims to create a semblance of religion, adapted to the computer era, and clearly interpret their work as a kind of Bible for teenagers - a machine comic about Faith in the Savior. In the third series, the hacker Neo finally acquires the habits of Christ: he spreads the evil forces with his hands, accepts the posture of the crucified, and even the blinded, continues to be a guide for humanity. His associate, Morpheus, summarizes everything that he lived with a canonical tirade about the need to simply believe, for only faith will solve all problems. But, strictly speaking, the revolution was not needed: the completely passive, albeit frightened, masses of the inhabitants of the subterranean city of Zion were patiently waiting for the outcome of the historical battle between the Neo-God and the Devil Smith. God won, the miracle happened, it shines.

File size: 32.75 GB GB

Trailer The Matrix Revolutions 4K 2003 Ultra HD 2160p
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