Hostiles 4K 2017 HDR Blu-ray RIP

Hostiles 4K 2017 HDR Blu-ray RIP

Country: USA
Genre: Drama
IMDB: 7.2
Producer: Scott Cooper
Cast: Christian Bale, Scott Shepherd, Rosamund Pike, Ava Cooper, Stella Cooper, David Midthunder, Gray Wolf Herrera, Rory Cochrane, Jonathan Majors, John Benjamin Hickey, Stafford Douglas, Stephen Lang, Bill Camp, Wes Studi, Jesse Plemons...
Hostiles 4K 2017 HDR Blu-ray RIP

In 1892, after nearly two decades of fighting the Cheyenne, the Apache, and the Comanche natives, the United States Cavalry Captain and war hero, Joseph Blocker, is ordered to escort the ailing Cheyenne chief, Yellow Hawk--his most despised enemy--to his ancestral home in Montana's Valley of the Bears. Nauseated with a baleful anger, Joseph's unwelcome final assignment in the feral American landscape is further complicated, when the widowed settler, Rosalie Quaid, is taken in by the band of soldiers, as aggressive packs of marauding Comanches who are still on the warpath, are thirsty for blood. In a territory crawling with hostiles, can the seasoned Captain do his duty one last time?

Hostiles 4K 2017 HDR Blu-ray RIP Review
Post civil war frontier America and Christian Bale aka Captain Joseph Blockeris is ordered by the Army to escort a Cheyenne Chief, who has been granted safe passage back to his homeland in Montana, by the President of the United States, due to his terminal illness. Along the way the party encounter wild and dangerous Comanche "Indians". The movie is intense and I surmise Bale will be nominated for an Academy Award for this turn. Wes Studi, as always, as the ailing Chief, is marvelous, understated and ever so powerful. Rosamund Pike is superb as a deranged widow who is collected up by Bale's party. Her presence in the story seems like a distraction from the original mission or orders, but it's a movie and we have to have some man/woman tension and whatever then derives from that, of course. The movie sometimes slows down a bit, and lingers, but it always recovers, and overall - see this movie. And the music score is perfect.

File size: 20,2 GB

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Hostiles 4K 2017 HDR Blu-ray RIP

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