Sully 2016

Sully 2016

Country: USA
Genre: Drama
IMDB: 7.5
Producer: Clint Eastwood
Cast: Tom Hanks , Aaron Eckhart , Laura Linney , Valerie Mahaffey , Delphi Harrington , Mike O'Malley , Jamey Sheridan , Anna Gunn , Holt McCallany , Ahmed Lucan , Laura Lundy , Onira Tares , Gary Weeks , Katie Couric , Jeff Kober
Sully 2016

What happened on January 15, 2009 will be called "Miracle on the Hudson". On that day the captain of Flight 1549, Chesley Sullenberger, made an emergency landing of the A320 on the cold waters of the Hudson River in New York. At the same time, none of the 155 people on board was injured. But, despite all the honors on the part of the public and the media, an investigation was launched that threatened the professional reputation and long-standing career of Capt. Sally.

Ode to human professionalism

The unique ability of people to perform absolutely grandiose on the complexity of the embodiment of the action, sometimes carried out even suddenly and without any special preparation, distinguishes our species from other living beings that live on the Earth. It is these extraordinary actions that often become the subject of artistic consideration of the creators of various arts. Reconstructed through the techniques of the feature film, the feat of the American pilot of passenger airlines Chesley Sullenberger fell under the camera lens of one of the most deserved directors of Hollywood Clint Eastwood. But I came under a special foreshortening.

Chesley Sullenberger landed a passenger plane on January 15, 2009, both engines of which were destroyed due to the infestation of flocks of birds at a critical altitude for maneuvers. The most remarkable thing in this story is that the air vessel was planted on the Hudson River, and absolutely none of the passengers and staff of the flight was harmed. Is not this a miracle! The 155 lives that were a hair's breadth from death were, after more than three minutes, intact and intact, thanks to their overwhelming complexity, almost instantly accepted and brilliantly executed by Chesley Sullenberger (Tom Hanks), who clearly and implicitly followed everything second pilot Jeff Skiles (Aaron Eckhart). Verily, to the madness of the brave we sing a song!

Is not it really just a wonderful material for the picture, where in the end the main character under the full pathos of music rescues everyone, after which, under the standing ovation of the brave act of the crowd, the curtain falls. But Clint Eastwood would not be what he is if he considered the incident so straightforward. In the film "Miracle over the Hudson", the director shows the process in the National Council for Transport Security, caused by doubts of his representatives in the fidelity of the high-risk decision taken by the captain of the aircraft. In real life, this investigation was left out of the cameras and millions of people admired by the heroism of Sullenberger. We become witnesses of the places frightening with our coolness and cynicism of the case over a man whose feat was saved by a hundred and fifty people.

Eastwood immerses the viewer in the inner world of Sullenberger. The protagonist, performed by Tom Hanks at the usual high level, is very worried in the process of investigating his actions under force majeure and even begins to doubt the validity of the risk of 155 lives. At this point, you involuntarily and think about it, but was the captain of the ship right in assessing the situation? Human experiences are transmitted not only through the filigree game of Hanks, but also with the help of flashbacks in different periods of Sullenberger's formation in the professional field, as well as using dreams and visions in reality, in which he can not cope with the critical situation with the plane.

Unfortunately, the emotional connection with the hero while watching does not reach the level that Eastwood sought, for example, in the films "Perfect World" and "Gran Torino". I suppose, including, due to the fact that with all his heroism Sullenberger is too simple and one-layer. Perhaps, he is just like that in real life, but this does not work for art. In addition, the picture probably would not have prevented a couple more flashbacks from the young years of Sullenberger, who would have revealed him as a character on a deeper level and would have just brought the audience closer to the main character of this story. Ultra HD Premium movie Sully 2016.

The main highlight of the "Sully 2016", I would call the very landing of the aircraft on the river. This scene in the IMAX hall (it's the cameras of this format that made the film) with high-quality acoustics is very impressive, although at first glance it does not really represent anything new. How many times have we all seen in the movie a variety of aircraft crashes and other disasters. But when, at the time of this scene, you involuntarily realize that during these few minutes of screen time your breathing stopped, you clenched your chair pretty tightly and only exhaled with relief, it becomes clear - Eastwood and the company masterfully coped with the reconstruction this in all senses of a fantastic event. Suspense acts even though the film tells you that everything went well, and the passengers were still alive. The magic of a great director and actors, not otherwise!

The painting "Sully 2016" does not hold out to Eastwood's best works. But if you want to become a witness to the transcendent professionalism of a person and the outstanding humanity of a professional, then I recommend the movie of the master to the viewing with ease. Better on a huge screen with high-quality image and acoustics. Then the "Miracle on the Hudson" definitely will not leave you indifferent.

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Sully 2016

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